Save time and money with our free parts and inventory management software

Coast keeps all you spare parts all in one place so your team knows exactly where they are and how many you have.

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See why 10,000+ businesses use Coast to manage their parts inventory

The task feature allowed an easy way to delegate tasks across multiple different locations and I can see exactly who has and who hasn't seen the task.

Angie Maher

Operations Manager Cowan’s Optical’s

Coast keeps your parts inventory all in one place

Find the right parts in seconds and get repairs and work orders completed faster.

Eliminate wasteful spend and double buying

Never wonder where your spare parts are or how many you have again. Coast tracks the quantity of your parts and where they are so your team can avoid purchasing parts you already have in stock.

Keep your parts inventory accurate and in stock

Coast automatically updates your inventory levels when your parts are used in a work order. You can also set a minimum quantity and get alerted when your parts are running low.

Get repairs and work orders done faster

Going back and forth between sites is time consuming. With Coast, your technicians can save hours of time by accessing past work orders and getting all the parts they need to complete the work order.