Improve asset performance with our free asset management software.

Coast lets you manage all your equipment information in one place, providing real-time data on what's working and what's not.

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See why 10,000+ businesses use Coast to manage maintenance on all their assets.


44% decrease in downtime

When businesses invest in maintenance and repair programs.

Try for Free

All your assets organized in one place.

Store and access any information about your equipment, including model number, manufacturer, manuals, pictures, warranty information and more.

QR Code Tracking

Access asset information on the go from our mobile app.

Your technicians can pull up an asset's information on their mobile device using QR code technology to quickly access work order history, warranty information, pictures of the asset, equipment manuals and more.

QR code asset management

Preventive Maintenance

Schedule preventive maintenance to increase your asset's lifespan.

Create a calendar- or meter-based preventive maintenance strategy to keep your equipment running at its best and to stay ahead of any issues that may arise.

Asset management PM schedule

Asset Reporting

A more efficient maintenance strategy means smarter budgeting decisions.

View reports on complete and detailed maintenance history for all your assets to determine which equipment is experiencing the most downtime (and why) as well as which ones require the most resources.

Asset reporting

Save Costs

Make informed repair or replacement decisions based on real-time data.

By increasing equipment uptime and streamlining the maintenance process for technicians, your equipment will be operational for longer periods of time, which translates to direct savings on maintenance and labor costs.

Asset alerts for cost savings

What Sets Coast Apart

Tweak or completely adapt workflows to your internal processes.

Custom Fields

Add custom fields to organize asset management your way and ensure team adoption.

Personalized Dashboards

Create customizable dashboards to prioritize your maintenance work and much more.

Automated Alerts & Notifications

Customize alerts for machine breakdowns, PM due dates and more with advanced automations.

Customer Stories

Check out what our customers are saying.

We already had our assets with serial numbers and a basic PM schedule in an Excel spreadsheet, so we gave it to Coast’s customer support team, and they just set it up for us. They did it all, and we had open communication. They were very efficient and timely and would respond immediately.
Lisa Bosworth Solmet Group

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is asset management?

What is asset management software?

What are some key benefits of asset management software?

Why worry when you can Coast?

Ready to test the waters?

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