Product Updates

The latest product updates from the team at Coast

  • Product Update: Collection View Filters & View Options

    Coast’s product team recently launched a new and improved version of collection views that make filtering, sorting and grouping information more efficient, reducing the time users spend adjusting and readjusting these view types.

    Coast’s product team recently launched a new and improved version of collection views that make filtering, sorting and grouping information more efficient, reducing the time users spend adjusting and readjusting these view types.

    When users filter, sort or group their collection view, these updates will stay in place for one day for the person viewing it. Of course, if a user wants to revert their changes, they can simply click “Revert.” But if they like the updates they’ve made to the view and want to share it with their team, they can choose to either “Save for Everyone” or “Save as New.” Users can even add their saved views to their Dashboard. To experience the new collection view options, click into an existing work order view. Or follow the demo below:
     Collection view improvements include:
    • The option to filter, sort or group information that will automatically be saved for 24 hours.
    • A “Save” button that appears when changes are made.
    • A “Revert” button that allows users to change the collection view back to its original state.
    • The ability to “Save for Everyone” or “Save as New,” giving everyone access to this new view.
    • A gear icon that allows users to add a saved view to their dashboard or export to CSV.

  • Product Update: No Code Board View Is Now Live

    Coast’s product team recently launched a significant upgrade to our Board View.

    Coast’s product team recently launched a significant upgrade to our Board View.

    This top-line collection view has become more powerful and customizable with easy-to-use features to meet your team's evolving needs. To experience the Board View, add one from the View menu. Or follow the demo below:
    No Code Board View improvement highlights include:
    • Customizable columns: You can now customize which columns you want to see through the Group dropdown, and you can even collapse columns for better viewing.
    • Drag-and-drop cards: Select multiple cards and drag them to another column for quick and easy status updates.
    • Advanced filters / sorting: Choose from several different filters and custom sort cards to create a Board View that gives a clearer picture of your maintenance work.
    • Tailored tag fields / hide labels: Decide which fields you want to see on the Board View by toggling different fields on and off. 
    • Option to save Board Views: Once you have your board set up just right, you can now save the view for your entire team.
    • Dashboard configuration: You can add a saved view and high-level stats as a widget in your Dashboard.
    • Ability to export to CSV: The tasks saved in your Board View can all be exported to CSV for you to share as a spreadsheet with relevant stakeholders.

  • Product Update: Upgrades to Parts Transfer Request Workspace

    Coast’s product team just launched an upgrade to our Parts Transfer Request workspace, making it even easier for those who manage parts inventory across multiple locations.

    Coast’s product team just launched an upgrade to our Parts Transfer Request workspace, making it even easier for those who manage parts inventory across multiple locations.

    Only available in our Multi-Site Maintenance Management workflow, the Parts Transfer Request workspace makes it easy to transfer spare parts from one location to another. This latest upgrade features new and improved status fields as well as location quantity fields that give maintenance teams a clear picture of the number of parts on hand at a given location. To experience the new parts transfer capabilities, click into the Parts Transfer Request workspace. Or follow the demo below:
     Through these improvements, Coast users are now able to:
    • Choose from new status fields that are color-coded to enhance organization.
    • Easily see how many parts are on hand at a given location through quantity fields.
    • Also use the quantity fields to update the number of parts being transferred with ease. (Note: The default will always be set to one part.)

  • New Feature: Duplicate Sub Forms for Another Workspace

    Coast’s product team recently launched a handy new Sub Form feature, which allows users to copy forms to another workspace within your organization. 

    Coast’s product team recently launched a handy new Sub Form feature, which allows users to copy forms to another workspace within your organization. 

    This feature helps customers save time by allowing teams to duplicate and bring Sub Forms that may have been created by other teams into their own workspaces or to reuse common Sub Form formats easily. To experience the Sub Form feature, click into an existing Sub Form. Or follow the demo below:

  • Product Update: New Timer Features Available

    Coast’s product team recently launched a significant upgrade to our timers, which allow you to track both equipment downtime and the time it takes to complete a work order.

    Coast’s product team recently launched a significant upgrade to our timers, which allow you to track both equipment downtime and the time it takes to complete a work order.

    This upgrade features new and improved time tracking cards that are easy to use and give a clear overview of all the time being spent on maintenance for a given asset. To experience the new time tracking capabilities, click into an existing work order. Or follow the demo below:
    Through these improvements, Coast users are now able to:
    • Manually add time to your tracker
    • Easily start and stop time with obvious visual cues that highlight when time is still being tracked
    • Allow multiple people to work on the same time tracker at once
    • View timer history to see who did what (and when)
    • Get an overview of all the timers currently running from different views (table, list, etc.)

  • Product Update: Customizable Fields Made Easy

    Coast’s product team is working to continuously improve the customizable fields within our product. 

    Coast’s product team is working to continuously improve the customizable fields within our product. 

    The most recent update includes a significant upgrade to the fields you can choose and create when setting up your asset inventory system. It’s as easy as renaming the fields or adding more to match your company’s internal processes. Follow the demo below to see just how easy it is to customize your maintenance workflow:
    Through these improvements, Coast users are now able to:
    • Customize tag fields / hide labels: Decide which fields you want to see in your asset inventory or work order tracking systems by toggling different fields on and off. 
    • Drag-and-drop fields: Easily move fields in whichever order you’d like with our drag-and-drop features.

  • Product Update: No Code Calendar View Is Live

    Coast’s product team recently launched a significant upgrade to our Calendar View, which allows you to see all your tasks on a calendar.

    Coast’s product team recently launched a significant upgrade to our Calendar View, which allows you to see all your tasks on a calendar.

    With this upgrade, the new and improved view has become more powerful and customizable, and it's easy-to-use features will meet your team's evolving needs. To experience the Calendar View, add one from the View menu. Or follow the demo below:
    No Code Calendar View improvement highlights include:
    • Better handling of desktop and mobile views: Calendar View's new look is much cleaner to view on different sized screens. Any customizations to this view can be viewed on mobile as well.
    • Save Calendar Views: Once you have your calendar set up just right, you can save the view for your entire team.
    • Dashboard configuration: You can add a saved view and high-level stats as a widget in your Dashboard.
    • Customize tag fields / hide labels: Decide which fields you want to see on the Calendar View by toggling different fields on and off. 
    • Export to CSV: You can export all the tasks saved in your Calendar View to CSV for you to share as a spreadsheet with relevant stakeholders.
    • Filtering / sorting: You now have access to advanced filtering and sorting options that make it even easier to find the information you're looking for quickly.

  • Product Update: No Code List View Is Out of Beta!

    List View has seen a significant upgrade now that all of the customization features have come out of Beta.

    List View has seen a significant upgrade now that all of the customization features have come out of Beta.

    With this upgrade, the new List View has become more powerful and customizable with loads more options to meet your team's evolving needs. To experience the New List View, add one from the View menu. Or follow the demo below:
    No Code List View improvement highlights include:

  • Product Update: Dashboard Widgets

    Have a filtered view like "High Priority Work Orders" you'd like your team to have one tap access to? Now you can create those to appear in the Dashboard.

    Have a filtered view like "High Priority Work Orders" you'd like your team to have one tap access to? Now you can create those to appear in the Dashboard.

    If you are using Table View or List (Beta) View with our new filters, groups and sorting options you can save these views for everyone as a Dashboard Widget. You can set it up so that your team can go to the Dashboard to jump directly into the information relevant to them. *Please note: if you are creating widgets for teammates on mobile devices, use the List (Beta) View as Table View is not yet available on mobile. We are continuing to roll out features like these to more views and parts of the app. Example Widgets:
    1. Open Work Orders
    2. High Priority Work Orders
    3. Past Due Work Orders
    4. Work Orders Assigned to me
    5. Endless possibilities depending on your workflows!
    Got feedback about Coast? This product update came directly from customer feedback. If you have a suggestion, we'd love to hear from you. Email us at or click the 'Support' chat icon within Coast.

  • Product Update: List View Improvements Available in Beta

    The newest version of List View is out in beta, with continued improvements rolling out each week! Now with better formatting on desktop and available with our latest tools to customize and save your view preferences.

    The newest version of List View is out in beta, with continued improvements rolling out each week! Now with better formatting on desktop and available with our latest tools to customize and save your view preferences.

    Learn more about List View (Beta) here.

    List View (Beta):

    • New filtering, sorting, grouping and save view features available
    • Ability to show and hide labels in extended view
    • Better desktop formatting and UI
    • Available on all platforms (including mobile)
    • Only available through premium access. Buttons and personal access not enabled yet.
    Learn how to access and use it:

  • Product Update: Custom Grouping on Table View

    New custom grouping options available to you on Table View.

    New custom grouping options available to you on Table View.

    Ever wished you could group your table view by Status, Assignee, Part or Location? Now you can with our new grouping options. Select only the sections you want to see, and order them how you want, all customizable by you.  Try it out here:  

  • Product Update: Asset Meter Reading Alerts

    Streamline your asset management process with email alerts for meter readings!

    Streamline your asset management process with email alerts for meter readings!

    When you track assets based on a meter reading, you can set an email notification to trigger when a particular threshold is reached (e.g. “Send me an email notification every 200 hours on Machine A”). Learn more about how to set this up for your team’s assets:  
    Visit our Help Center for more details.

  • Product Update: Parts Inventory Alerts

    Stay on top of your teams parts inventory needs! Receive email alerts whenever a part goes below your set minimum.

    Stay on top of your teams parts inventory needs! Receive email alerts whenever a part goes below your set minimum.

    Inside your Parts Inventory card, you can now add one or more email addresses to receive alerts when a part goes below a set minimum. Be sure to set the minimum by filling out the Minimum on Hand field and fill out the Email Parts Alert To field. Now when parts are used in work orders and you hit the threshold, those email addresses will be notified that it’s time to reorder or restock parts.  
    Visit our Help Center for more

  • Product Update: Email Updates for External Requesters

    Now you can effortlessly keep external requesters in the loop about the status of their work order - with the help of Coast email notifications.

    Now you can effortlessly keep external requesters in the loop about the status of their work order - with the help of Coast email notifications.

    All they have to do is enter their email when they submit their request. When the status of their request changes they will get an email update! Try it out below or learn more:

  • Product Update: Table View Filter on Tags

    You can now filter your table view using any combination of tags!

    You can now filter your table view using any combination of tags!

    Want to see High Priority cards that are Open or Pending Review? You can do so very easily by creating any combination of tag filters in order to find the information you’re looking for. How to Filter using Tags:
    1. Make sure you have a Table View (If you do not, learn how to add a Table View)
    2. Click on the ‘Filter’ button in the top left corner of the table view
    3. Click on an option that uses tags in the list (e.g. ‘Priority'), see it appear in the first box.
    4. Complete the filter by making a selection or entering a value in the second dropdown (e.g. select the tag ‘Open’). You can select one or more tags depending on your criteria.
    5. Add additional Filters on top of this one by clicking on the ‘Add’ option at the bottom of the dropdown and making a selection.
    6. Remove Filters by clicking on the Delete (trash can) icon next to the Filter you would like to remove.
    7. Click outside of the dropdown to close it.
    8. If the Filter button is green, that means a Filter is active in the view.

  • Product Update: Multi-File Fields on Sub Forms and Checklists

    Have checklists where staff need to add more than one photo to an answer? Now they can! Multiple file fields are now available in Checklists, and Sub forms (Procedures).

    Have checklists where staff need to add more than one photo to an answer? Now they can! Multiple file fields are now available in Checklists, and Sub forms (Procedures).

    Just click on the ‘File’ button again after adding a file to add additional files/ photos. Scroll through to view all of the images or remove images by clicking the close icon in the corner.

  • Product Update: Sort and Filter on Table View

    We’ve got you sorted! Table view now has a sort feature and better filter features available on desktop.

    We’ve got you sorted! Table view now has a sort feature and better filter features available on desktop.

    Have you ever wanted to sort your list alphabetically or by due date, or filter your work orders or tasks down by searching for all or part of a name (e.g. “Show all Work Orders with the word “Calibration” in it.”)? Now you can with new Table View new Sorting and Filtering features. Add multiple Filters or Sorts and combine them to see a list of exactly what you want to see. More improvements are on their way!
    • Sort by: Title, Created At and Due Date
    • Filter by: part of a Title (does not have to be an exact match)
    Try out Sorting and Filters on Table View:

  • Product Announcement: Multiple File Field + Mobile File Upload

    The team has made sharing and viewing files and photos much easier on Coast. Check out these highly requested feature improvements!

    The team has made sharing and viewing files and photos much easier on Coast. Check out these highly requested feature improvements!

    Now, multiple files / photos can be added to a single file / photo field. (No more work arounds needed!) View the photos you’ve added at a glance on cards through scrollable thumbnails, or full screen in the new image viewer. Photos added to the same field, or same message can also be viewed consecutively by clicking through or swiping through (no need to click back and forth for each image). Bonus: images in chat are more crisp and appropriately sized!
    • Add multiple files or photos to a single field
    • Files upload from mobile
    • Thumbnail previews for multiple photos on a card
    • Full page image and slideshow viewer
    • Images in chat: more crisp and appropriately sized
    Preview some of the updates in the demo below:

  • Feature Highlight: Filter the ‘All Cards’ View

    Do you have work / projects / tasks in different workspaces and you want a way to see them in one place? Looking to see what the week looks like for your team or just yourself? Wondering if there is upcoming work that hasn’t been assigned? Try out some of the features in ‘All Cards’ to get a better view of what’s going on!

    Do you have work / projects / tasks in different workspaces and you want a way to see them in one place? Looking to see what the week looks like for your team or just yourself? Wondering if there is upcoming work that hasn’t been assigned? Try out some of the features in ‘All Cards’ to get a better view of what’s going on!

    How to view and filter cards across all your workspaces:
    1. Look for ‘All Cards’ listed at the top of the workspace list on the left-hand side of the screen and click on it.
    2. All Cards’ shows every card across all of the workspaces that are visible to you. By default this includes cards assigned to everyone in the organization (if you have permission to view them).
    3. If you’d like to filter this list down, click on the ‘Filter’ button in the top right corner. Select ‘Assigned to or created by you’ (and get a better picture of your own week) or ‘Unassigned’ (to if work has fallen through the cracks, and assign it by clicking directly on the card).
    4. If you’d like to, for example, see only work due yesterday and today, you can do that by adjusting the date range. Click on the dates just underneath the ‘All Cards’ workspace title.
    5. If you are adjusting the ‘End date’ make sure you’ve clicked the date box on the right first. Then you can either type a new end date or select it from the calendar. (Same thing goes for the ‘Start date’.)
    6. Your list will now stay filtered the way you’ve left it, so if you don’t see a task or work you were expecting to see, make sure to check the filters.
    Have fun customizing this view to your needs and let us know what we can do to make it better! Email us at or click the 'Support' chat icon within Coast.

  • Feature Highlight: Duplicate a schedule

    Want to duplicate this week’s schedule to next week without having to recreate each shift, job, or task card? Our multiple select features will help streamline this process and make duplicating your schedule a snap!

    Want to duplicate this week’s schedule to next week without having to recreate each shift, job, or task card? Our multiple select features will help streamline this process and make duplicating your schedule a snap!

    How to duplicate this week’s schedule to another week:
    1. Inside your workspace on desktop switch to Calendar View by selecting it from the views dropdown.
    2. In monthly calendar view, hover over one of the cards in the schedule and in the upper right corner an icon with three dots will appear - click on this.
    3. Click on ‘Select Multiple’ - a green border will appear around the card that is already selected. Click on the other cards in the schedule you would like to duplicate.
    4. In the upper right had corner of the screen click on the ‘Actions’ button (this button only appear when cards are selected) or click ‘Cancel’ to deselect all the cards.
    5. In the menu, click on ‘Duplicate to’ where you can then select the week you’d like to duplicate the selected cards to. Here you will be selecting the first day you would like the cards to start appearing on, the distance between the cards will be kept the same.
    6. Click the ‘Duplicate # Cards’ button underneath the calendar and watch your cards get duplicated.

  • New emojis added to quick reactions: 👎 😢

    Ever wanted to turn your message into a quick 👍 👎  poll? Or maybe a teammate shares something sad and no quick reactions fit? Now with new emojis in quick reactions, you can be more expressive!

    Ever wanted to turn your message into a quick 👍 👎  poll? Or maybe a teammate shares something sad and no quick reactions fit? Now with new emojis in quick reactions, you can be more expressive!

    Many times positive reactions or encouragement work well for teams, but in some situations they are not appropriate. Our customers gave us the feedback that they’d like more of a range of emoji reactions, to better express themselves. This is just the first step, with more updates soon to come! How to use quick reactions to create a simple poll:
    1. Want to quickly gather feedback on an idea or quickly see how many people have completed a task you assigned to everyone?
    2. Write a message or question and ask everyone to vote or respond by giving a thumbs up 👍  or a thumbs down 👎
    3. People can add their vote to your message and you’ll be able to see the overall count at a glance.
    4. Click on the reactions to get more details how each person responded.
    Can’t see the new emoji reactions? Make sure you’ve downloaded the latest version of the app and/or refreshed your browser window. Got Feedback about Coast? Have other ideas for how to use these new quick reactions or have other ideas for improvements? We’d love to hear how you’re using this and how we can make this feature better. Email us at or click the 'Support' chat icon within Coast.

  • Advanced Feature Highlight: Calendar View Drag and Drop

    Have bunch of unassigned tasks/jobs that you want to quickly assign to your teammates? Want to label work orders for the week by location or machine with a simple drag and drop? See a gap in someone’s schedule and want to add a job there quickly?

    Have bunch of unassigned tasks/jobs that you want to quickly assign to your teammates? Want to label work orders for the week by location or machine with a simple drag and drop? See a gap in someone’s schedule and want to add a job there quickly?

    With these handy calendar view features, you’ll be able to organize work for your team in no time. Drag and drop allows you to move cards (e.g. tasks, jobs, or work orders) across assignees, priorities, locations, assets, etc. depending on what grouping you select. Quick create allows you to spin up a new task or job directly from inside the calendar with that specific field already filled in. This allows you to visually see where you want to create a card and add it there with fewer steps.

    How to use Calendar View Drag and Drop:
    1. Make sure you are in an expanded weekly calendar view
    2. Pick a grouping from the “Select…” dropdown on the top left. This grouping will show you work scheduled across that specific field (e.g. assignee, location, asset, etc).
    3. From this grouped view you can click and drag cards to fill in gaps, assign cards that are unassigned, or change the date.
    How to use Quick Create: In this example we are using “Assignee”, but you can perform the same actions across any of the other fields available for grouping.
    1. From the expanded grouped calendar view (see above), click the small plus button inside box on the date you want in the row of the assignee that you want.
    2. Add a title (required) and any other details needed (optional).
    3. Notice that the date and assignee are already automatically set.
    4. Click the “Create” button and see your card appear on the selected date in your assignee’s row.
    Got feedback about Coast? This product update came directly from customer feedback. We’d love to hear how you’re using this and if you have any suggestions for how to make this feature better. Email us at or click the 'Support' chat icon within Coast.

  • Feature Highlight: Weekly Calendar View Grouping

    Want to see what next week’s work looks like for each staff member? Or see your Calendar grouped by Location or Priority? Now you can use powerful grouping tools to get a high level view of what’s been scheduled for any given week.

    Want to see what next week’s work looks like for each staff member? Or see your Calendar grouped by Location or Priority? Now you can use powerful grouping tools to get a high level view of what’s been scheduled for any given week.

    If your workspace has a Calendar view, there are some features on desktop that you might not know about that can help make you even more efficient while using Coast. Inside Weekly Calendar view, you can use features like Grouping to visualize cards (schedules, events, projects) exactly the way you want. How to use these features:
    1. Inside your workspace on desktop switch to Calendar View by selecting it from the views dropdown (if you don’t see Calendar View, it may not be available in that particular workflow).
    2. Make sure you are in the Expanded Calendar view: close the chat area by clicking the X button in the upper right corner. (Learn more about expanded views here.)
    3. If you’d like to expand the Calendar view further, you can also minimize the workspace list on the left.
    4. Switch to ‘Weekly’ view, if you are in Monthly view, by selecting it in the top right area of the calendar.
    5. Now click on the ‘Select…’ dropdown on the left.
    6. Pick from the dropdown the grouping you would like to see (e.g. Assignee, Location, Status, Priority)
    Got feedback about Coast? This product update came directly from customer feedback. If you have a suggestion, we'd love to hear from you. Email us at or click the 'Support' chat icon within Coast.

  • Quick Tip: Collapse Workspace List

    Did you know you can minimize the workspace list on desktop?

    Did you know you can minimize the workspace list on desktop?

    Workspaces are powerful places to get things done, and sometimes you just want a bit more space to get a top level overview. This works especially well on monthly or weekly calendar view, table view or board view, when you want to see more at one time.

    Find the minimize icon under search in your workspace list to collapse the left rail. (Please note this icon only appears on windows that are wider than a certain width). When you hover over the area it will automatically expand so you can see workspace titles and access user menus. If you’d like for the workspace list to stay expanded, simply click “Keep Expanded” and the left rail will stay in place. Collapse Workspace List Got feedback about Coast? This product update came directly from customer feedback. If you have a suggestion, we'd love to hear from you. Email us at or click the 'Support' chat icon within Coast.

  • New Feature: Better Desktop Views

    In every workspace, you have always been able to see your Chat and Workflow in Split View, but now you can use focused views to see Chat only or Workflow only.

    In every workspace, you have always been able to see your Chat and Workflow in Split View, but now you can use focused views to see Chat only or Workflow only.

    In every workspace on desktop, you can now use Focus View to see Chat Only or Workflow Only. This allows you to use precious desktop real estate to see only what you want to see at any given time. You’ve always been able to see both Chat and Workflows in a split view, but sometimes a particular workflow has a focus on communication or a focus on scheduling (or another workflow). Our new view features allow you to decide how you’d like to view each workspace and easily switch between selections. Pick between the different options in the view selector dropdown at the top of the page:
    • Split View - shows chat and workflow cards side-by-side
    • Workflow Only - closes chat and uses the entire space to focus on the workflow for that particular workspace. Workflows are automatically in expanded view.
    • Chat Only - closes the workflow area and uses the entire space to focus on chat
    You can also jump directly from Split View to Workflow only by tapping the close icon in the upper right corner of the chat area.

    Will I be able to know if there are new messages or new cards while I’m in a focused view?

    Yes! The chat icon or check icon on the right edge of the screen will show a red badge if something new has happened. Simply click on the icon to jump back into split view and see what’s new.

    Got feedback about Coast? This product update came directly from customer feedback. If you have a suggestion, we'd love to hear from you. Email us at or click the 'Support' chat icon within Coast.

  • New Feature: Workspace Permissions

    In every workspace, you can now set a role for each person. These roles set what each person can do inside each workspace.

    In every workspace, you can now set a role for each person. These roles set what each person can do inside each workspace.

    We're excited to share that we've added one of our most requested features - Workspace Permissions. This feature requires a paid Coast plan. In every workspace, you can now set a role for each person. These roles set what each person can do inside each workspace:
    • Admin - Able to create, edit, comment on, view, and delete cards.
    • Editor - Able to edit, comment on, view cards. Editors are not able to create new cards or delete them.
    • Personal - Able to create, edit, comment on, view and delete cards that they have been assigned to or have created themselves. Unable to access cards assigned to or created by other people.
    • View Only - Able to view cards. Not able to create, edit, comment on or delete cards.
    Selecting a role for a member-only affects the one workspace you've chosen it for. You'll need to repeat this process for each workspace that you want to set permissions for. How you can use this new feature:
    • You want to create a schedule where only your managers can create shifts and staff members can only view them. You would set all your managers as an Admin and all your staff members as View Only.
    • You want to allow your team to create time off requests but not allow any other team member to see the time-off request. You would set every team member as Personal. Now only you can see the time off requests created by any of your team members.
    On mobile and web:
    1. From the home screen, open the workspace that you want to set permissions for.
    2. Tap the name of the workflow group at the top of the screen.
    3. Scroll down until you find "Members".
    4. Click the 3 dot icon on the right of a member's name.
    5. Select a role for the member.
    6. Repeat for each member of the workspace.
    Got feedback about Coast? This product update came directly from customer feedback. If you have a suggestion, we'd love to hear from you. Email us at or use the 'Support' chat within Coast.  

  • New Feature: Reporting

    Our new reporting feature gives you a dashboard of activity in your workspaces and much more.

    Our new reporting feature gives you a dashboard of activity in your workspaces and much more.

    We're excited to announce that we now offer reporting. This feature requires a paid Coast plan. This reporting feature gives you access to:
    • A live dashboard of activity in your workspaces
    • Exportable reports to share with your team
    • Live insights into trends, helping you spot problems or opportunities in your organisation
    • Track productivity over time, helping you identify top performers in your organisation
    • Make data-driven adjustments to your processes, helping you to save time and money
    To access reporting, schedule a reporting onboarding call with our team . On this call, we'll help you get started with reporting and tweak the dashboard to match your unique requirements. On mobile:
    1. From the home screen, open the workspace that you want to access reports for.
    2. Tap the name of the workspace in the top middle.
    3. Your reports are listed under Reports
    4. Repeat this process to access reporting for other workflows.
    On web:
    1. From the home screen, open the workspace that you want to access reports for.
    2. Tap the name of the workspace at the top of the screen.
    3. Your reports are listed under Reports
    4. Repeat this process to access reporting for other workflows.
    Got feedback about Coast? We built the reporting feature working directly with customers. If you have a suggestion, we'd love to hear from you. Email us at or use the 'Support' chat within Coast.

  • New Feature: Changing Views in Workspaces

    We've now added the ability to change to different views of the same workspace

    We've now added the ability to change to different views of the same workspace

    Workspaces are powerful places to get things done. But seeing all the information at the same time can be a lot to process. We've now added the ability to change to different views of the same workspace. For most workspaces, you can choose from the views below:
    • Status List: See what is open or completed at a glance
    • Assigned to Me: See just your tasks, shifts or cards
    • Priority List: See what is most urgent in a list
    • Priority Board: See what is most urgent on a large board that is easy to review
    • Calendar: See everything on a calendar
    Some workspaces have other helpful views available, such as sorting by category, tag or assignee.

    Got feedback about Coast? We added views as a result of customer feedback. If you have a suggestion, we'd love to hear from you. Email us at or use the 'Support' chat within Coast.

  • New Feature: Filtering Cards

    With our new 'Filter' functionality, you can see shifts assigned to a particular team member, incomplete tasks or maintenance tasks at a particular location.

    With our new 'Filter' functionality, you can see shifts assigned to a particular team member, incomplete tasks or maintenance tasks at a particular location.

    Coast is powerful and flexible because we put chat and workflows all in one place. Whether you are assigning tasks, creating schedules, swapping shifts, managing maintenance or using another type of workspace, you never have to switch between multiple apps, chats or email chains. When you are using these workflows, we call the entries in the workspace cards. But once you start making lots of cards, it can be difficult to find what you need. For example, you might want to just see shifts assigned to a particular team member, incomplete tasks or maintenance tasks at a particular location. With our new 'Filter' functionality, this is now possible. On mobile:
    1. Open the workspace you wish to filter
    2. Tap the three dots in the top bar
    3. Pick your filters and the workspace will instantly update
    4. Tap the filter again and press 'clear all filters' to remove the filtering
    On web:
    1. Open the workspace you wish to filter
    2. Click the 'Filter' button in the top bar
    3. Pick your filters and the workspace will instantly update
    4. Tap the filter button again and press 'clear all filters' to remove the filtering
    How you can use this new feature:
    • When using our maintenance workspaces, your team can filter by priority to instantly see what to work on next or to see other tasks to complete while at the same location
    • When using inventory management, you can filter by 'out of stock' when you are re-ordering
    • When using scheduling, you can filter by location, department or sub-team to make sure everything is covered 
    • When creating checklists, you can filter by an assignee to see who is on task and who needs some support to complete their assigned tasks
    We hope this update makes it easy to stay organised when using Coast and we welcome your feedback. Got feedback about Coast? This product update came directly from customer feedback. If you have a suggestion, we'd love to hear from you. Email us at or use the 'Support' chat within Coast.  

  • New Feature: Improved Calendar Navigation

    In this update, we're making it even easier to navigate the schedule on mobile and jump to dates in the future.

    In this update, we're making it even easier to navigate the schedule on mobile and jump to dates in the future.

    A well structured and easy to use calendar can be the difference between chaos and order. Calendars help us to be productive by helping us to visualise time, deadlines and team scheduling requirements. We use calendars throughout Coast to show due dates, shifts, leave requests, certification expiration dates and much more. These calendars are always up-to-date, so your team can always see the latest information. In this update, we're making it even easier to navigate the schedule on mobile and jump to dates in the future. On mobile:
    1. Open a workspace with a calendar, such as a schedule
    2. Swipe down from the top calendar bar
    3. A mini calendar displays. Tap a date to view it, or swipe left/right to swipe between different months
    4. Swipe the mini calendar away again to dismiss it
    On the web:
    1. Open a workspace with a calendar, such as a schedule
    2. Open the calendar view in the sidebar and click the month in the 'today' bar at the top of the calendar
    3. A mini calendar displays. Tap a date to view it, or use the arrow buttons to navigate between different months
    4. Click the month again to dismiss the calendar
    Adding this mini-calendar makes it easier to jump to dates in the future, or to check dates in the past. Got feedback about Coast? This product update came directly from customer feedback. If you have a suggestion, we'd love to hear from you. Email us at or use the 'Support' chat within Coast.  

  • New Feature: Swiping on Mobile

    In this update, we're making it even easier to get around Coast on your mobile device by adding the ability to swipe between chats and workflows:

    In this update, we're making it even easier to get around Coast on your mobile device by adding the ability to swipe between chats and workflows:

    One of the best parts of Coast is that messages are directly connected to what you are working on. Whether you are assigning tasks, creating schedules, swapping shifts, managing maintenance or using one of our workflows, you never have to switch between multiple apps, chats or email chains. Our customers love how much time this saves and we're one of the top-rated apps for ease of use, but we're still not satisfied. We constantly review, tweak and improve Coast to make it even quicker and easier to use, as we know every moment matters in a busy business like yours. In this update, we're making it even easier to get around Coast on your mobile device by adding the ability to swipe between chats and workflows:
    1. On the home screen, tap on any workspace or conversation
    2. Place your finger (or thumb) on either the left or right edge of the screen and swipe towards the middle of the screen. You'll swipe between chat and workflows. 
    3. You can also swipe to get back to the home screen, then tap another workspace
    This small improvement makes it so much easier to use Coast when you use your mobile device with one hand or to take a quick peek at your workflows when chatting about them with your team. Got feedback about Coast? This product update came directly from customer feedback. If you have a suggestion, we'd love to hear from you. Email us at or use the 'Support' chat within Coast.

  • New Feature: Pinning Workspaces

    With our new pin functionality, you can 'pin' a workspace to the top of your home screen. Your other workspaces below will continue to be sorted by the latest activity.

    With our new pin functionality, you can 'pin' a workspace to the top of your home screen. Your other workspaces below will continue to be sorted by the latest activity.

    You’ve got your work all-in-one-place but you always want to see a particular workspace first. For example, you might have a 'Daily Status' workspace you want to check regularly or a 'Team Schedule' workspace you check each morning. With our new pin functionality, you can 'pin' a workspace to the top of your home screen. Your other workspaces below will continue to be sorted by the latest activity.  Groups are pinned per device, so you can customize your desktop and mobile experiences exactly how you want them.  On mobile and web:
    1. Tap on the workspace that you want to pin
    2. Go to the workspace menu for the group by tapping on the name
    3. Toggle the "Pin workspace to the top of the list" option on
    4. When you return to the chat list you will see a new section called ‘Pinned’ with any pinned chats within it
    5. Toggle the 'Pin workspace to the top of the list' option off to remove it
    Got feedback about Coast? This product update came directly from customer feedback. If you have a suggestion, we'd love to hear from you. Email us at or use the 'Support' chat within Coast.

  • New Feature: View the schedule on a monthly calendar

    You can view your schedule in a weekly and monthly calendar for better planning.

    You can view your schedule in a weekly and monthly calendar for better planning.

    Use the weekly and monthly calendar to view the schedule, add and edit shifts, and fine tune the schedule you've made. FullCalendarView The weekly and monthly calendar view is only available on our web/desktop version. You can log into the web/desktop version of Coast here or by visiting Once you're logged in on the web/desktop version:
    1. On left hand side, open the workspace named Shift Scheduler. If you do not see this on your list, tap on the pencil icon in in the upper right hand corner, click on New Workflow, and select the Shift Scheduler. Note - Your Shift Scheduler workspace may have a different name if you renamed it.
    2. To view all your shifts on a full calendar, click on the left arrow button  in the upper right hand corner to expand your calendar.
    3. To collapse the calendar, just click on the same arrow button.

  • New Feature: Introducing the Workflow Library!

    Many of you use Coast because you’re able to easily communicate with your team and share schedules all in one place. But we’ve learned that you hope to do even more in Coast in order to remove the need to switch between multiple apps and software.

    Many of you use Coast because you’re able to easily communicate with your team and share schedules all in one place. But we’ve learned that you hope to do even more in Coast in order to remove the need to switch between multiple apps and software.

    Many of you use Coast to communicate with your team and share schedules. But did you know Coast can do so much more? To discover new workspaces, visit our Workflow Library. With our Workflow Library, you can add new workspaces to your Coast account as a starting point, then customize them to suit your business.  As of December 7th 2021, available workspaces include:
    • Work Schedule Bundle: Schedule shifts, manage shift swaps & time-off requests, and track time
    • Maintenance Management Bundle: Manage assets, track work orders, and schedule preventive maintenance tasks
    • Work Orders: Create, assign, and track work orders.
    • Project Management: Track and manage projects from day one to the deadline.
    • File Vault: Share files, guides, videos, and other material 
    • Shift Swaps: Make it simple for your team to trade shifts.
    • Time Off Requests: Manage time-off requests and keep track of their status.
    • Clocking In/Out: Track clock in and out of employee shifts.
    • Event Planning: Create tasks for company events and assign them to specific employees.
    • Employee Kudos: Give kudos to your amazing teammates and employees.
    • Vendor Management: A place to store all vendor contact information.
    • Company Bulletin Board: Post announcements for your business.
    • Employee Onboarding: Easily create and track the progress of employee onboarding.
    • Customer Management: A CRM to keep track of all your client deals.
    On mobile and web:
    1. On the home screen, tap your profile picture on the upper left-hand corner
    2. Click on Workflow Library
    3. Select and add any workflow to your account
    4. Remember to add your teammates to the group!
    Got feedback about Coast? Got an idea to add to the Workflow Library? We'd love to hear from you. Email us at or use the 'Support' chat within Coast.